WE ARE YOUR BUYING OFFICE, act as a buyer in China on behalf of you to purchase goods from factories. Also, we have two sisiter factories located at Zhuhai, Guangdong, China. Surf board, color printing facory. And one jewelry company Thailand.We are actually buying office the foreign company, ...
Address:10 Floor,Yihua Business Center,No.1113 Fenghuang Road, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China
PURE NATURAL HONEY.FRESH VISCOUS,SEMI TRANSPARENT,DARK AMBER,SWEET,WITH PERFUME OF FLOWER AND HIGH QUALITY. GOOD FOR HEALTH Farmed from our local farms in the mountanious area of NWFP Province Pakistan. Pure product Honey is a renowned honey selling company Pakistan and known for its ...
Address:141. A (BOR)