IR Cards International is a company that specializes in manufacturing high quality wedding cards. was established 1991 and the first region to be awarded ISO 9001 certificate. employs 500 persons, operates on facility which covers 5600 sq. meters, produces 2200 tons of printed materials ...
Telephone: 963-11-6411414
TBZ INTERNATIONAL is a world-leading company in producing and marketing business cards, invitation stationery, was founded 1979 with the object of developing card industry for all occasions meeting needs international market its requirements.. As part our strategy to maintain leadership ...
Telephone: 963-11-5425088
Address:Tariq Bin Ziad street, Al Qazaz
We are Rahwanji Cards international, specialized in manufacturing high quality wedding cards. Established 1991, IR was awarded ISO 9001 certificate 1997. Export to more than 54 countries and 200 clients around the world. (IR) employs 700 employees, operates on a facility which covers 10,000 ...
Telephone: 963-944-774795