we supply high and low density polyethylene polypropylene in process of plastic film blowing such as table mats, shopping bags, trash shrink stretch film, dates bags other packaging are some our products which has made the form plain printed rolls processed under state art European American ...
Address:faisal St, hassa, oyoun, Saudi Arabia
Our Company Trades/Broker in Metal Scraps, Steel Coils, Paper, Sugar, Natural Oil/Diesel GloballyWe are constantly looking to expand our base for Sourcing and Customers for our products.
Telephone:1-516-726 4244
Address:120 Windsor Gate Dr.
Dear Customer,
We Transcargo Worldwide are a Trading comapny based in India. We pleased to introduce our selves as leading company involved plastic, HDPE sacks, Chemicals, Industrial Salts, Quick Lime, Charcoal, Natural Rubber, Soda Ash, Granites and metals for last 5 years. With dedicated ...
Address:19 I, South Raja Street,