Telephone: 056-9-44756995
Telephone: 54-911-61998177
Address:Gorriti 3666-alexandercorp@live. com
This supplier has not provided a Company Introduction yet.
Telephone: 51-1-3495884
Address:Montevideo 157 depto 201 Santa Patricia La Molina
We are frozen fish exporting company located in Vigo, Spain. Please consult us your needs, we have confident for our quolities and comapatitive price. Also, please visit our official website.
Telephone:34 - 986 - 092962
Address:Avda. Hispanidad, 74 entreplanta Vigo, Pntevedra, Galicia
We are an Argentinian seafood company, our plant reach the standard of HACCP certificate and products have been exported to many countries over world. have: Argentine Hake. (Merluccius Hubbsi), Patagonian Smoothhound. (Mustelus Schitti), Angel Shark. (Squattina Guggenheim), Caballa ...
Telephone:54 - 223 - 4751111
Address:Puerto Mar del Plata, Buenos Aire