YIHUA Is a international company for trading.We cooperate with many factories years.Get much support from them.Can get the best and lowest price factories,give our customers competitive price. We can help to look factories,products in China.Just as one agent of them China.Our products ...
Telephone:86 - 760 - 22639937
Address:ZhongShan Indusctrical park JiangMen Guangdong 529000 China
EASTRAGON INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO.,LTD is a professional E&I trading company, with head office located in the city of Jiangyin which only 150 kilometers away from Shanghai. In favour greatly developing economy and especially alongside east coast China,EASTRAGON was set up accordingly for ...
Telephone:86 - 510 - 86406096
Address:Rm102,Binjiang 1 village,Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China Jiangyin Jiangsu 214434 China