Tianqi Abrasives Co is the main producer of coated abrasives and bonded arbasives,.With advanced equipment , we produce high quality based on American Korea tech.worker. Our products include: abrasive paper, sand papers, water proof cloth, sanding belt, hook loop disc, velcro fiber wheel, ...
Address:liuquan road, Zhangdian, shandong, China
VENTA AL POR MAYOR DE PINTURAS Y ACCESORIOS.Pinturas Latex, Esmaltes, Barnices, Selladores, Bases, Lacas, Diluyentes, Lijas, Temple, Imprimantes, Pastas, Adhesivos, y mucho mas.
Telephone: 51-1-4476060
Address:Av. Tomas Marsano 480
Representaciones Hesolca C.A. is a manufacturing and trading company founded in 2009. It arises from the need hardware industry sector to create unique venue that provides specific requirements for clients, thus provide solutions adversity setbacks occur day situations. We aim sell ...
Telephone: 58-212-6192796
Address:Km 21 Panamericana, Galpon Artana