PT. Danatama Mulia

We are company as distributor for gloves product, we product is nitrile, vinyl, latex, etc, and all the good quality from manufacturer with certification, will given special price large order quantity. you can make trial us now, thanks, (Danatama Mulia) ...
Telephone:62 - 61 - 4571799 Address:Jl. P Diponegoro 16 Medan Sumatera Utara Indonesia

PT. Andoratech Persada Nusantara

PT. Andoratech Persada Nusantara Group formerly known as Gira Marroha was part of a diverse Printing and Publishing house. The company's history goes back to the year 2001 with foundation by Gurat Niroha in Medan, Indonesia. The only professional magazines had been published ...
Telephone:62-61-8224702 Address:Jl. Merak No. 36


Segara Group is pioneer company in marine equipment and service Indonesia, being the one only Indonesia that has internationally standardized concerning standard regulations of IMO SOLAS international, completed with ability recognition through intensive Audits Training programmed ...
Telephone:62-31 -3523385 Address:Jl. Tanjung Sadari No. 89