Pt. Cargo Akses Lintas

We are expert sourching company serving you for any kind of Indonesian wooden furniture and art crafts. Small with big services. Also we can provide shipping cost from Bali or harbour to Europe, US, Canada, Australia, Asia, South Fasific Africa. ...
Telephone:62-0361-7459576 Address:Jl. Hayam Wuruk Gg. Nagasari No. 7

Cemara Indonesia

Cemara Indonesia (sourcing service) caters to the needs of whole world buyers indonesian products around world. Founded in 2000, cemara moved basically as a group small scale home industries furniture and handicrafts who regularly supply all kind most trading companies Indonesia. Our ...
Telephone:62-83-88392188 Address:Jl. Bakti V No. 7, Cilincing


Dear Colleagues,We are an Indonesia furniture agent and producer, established since 1999 in Jogyakarta central Java Indonesia. We willing to cooperate or supply companies individual who interested make a business build up here For more details please contact Yohannes Ica, mobile ...
Telephone: 62-274-445502 Address:Jl. Dsn Ngasem Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta