Our company can help you to lower drayage cost. We can offer you services in transportation of consignments (air, sea, containerized), in customs registration and certification of the goods and others.
Address:7 Strelnikova Street, 7 floor
Our Company established in 2005 and is a leading Russian company, which provides the complete professional service package certification enabling documentation sphere. In this period our enterprise has built qualitative stable relationships with different instances gained reputation as ...
Our objective is to help foreign clients develop local business and government contacts in Russia, establish manage Russian distributors, suppliers partners, overcome the many obstacles doing here.
We are focused on:
-Helping companies tap opportunities available Russia; ...
Address:Office 116,26-1, Goncharnaya Str.
We Buy Textile products for Russia and we Sell Russian Metal, Oill & Gas, Timber wood, Bearings to other countries of the world esepcially Asia from Asia.
As consultants:
We also provide complete solution your sales purchase in thereby gives you many advantages:
Choose ONE STOP minimize ...
Address:Sokolnicheskaya Ploschad 4a
Chempartners is an independent division of proimpex group with specialization in professional international raw materials trade.
Chempartners unite a number companies and individuals involved the business worldwide. Historically our main market exussr countries including both ...
Address:4th Floor, Bldg 4,1st Shipkovski Per.
For any company, involved in international trade flaw, one the most important purpose is to prove quality of products for consumers. Penetrating internal markets, including Russian implies correspond with demanding standards. Due skilled specialists and competent staff experts academic ...
Address:Voroshilova st 51
We are Global Standard based in Moscow, Russia. member of companiess.com since December, 2009. Our business is related to Business Services industry and we specifically deal Certificate conformity Please find our product details below:CERTIFICATION OF PRODUCTS IN RUSSIAA certification ...
Address:Volgogradsky Prospekt 28
* Russian GOST R Certifications
* Hygienic Fire Safety RTN (Rostechnadzor) Approvals
* Ex-proof Certificates
* Type Approval for Measuring Equipment (Metrology)
* Medical Approvals and Radio Frequency Exemption Letters
* Ukrainian UkrSEPRO GGTN ...
Address:Derbenevskaya St. , 20, Stroenie 16 115114, Moscow, Russia
* Russian GOST R Certifications
* Hygienic Fire Safety RTN (Rostechnadzor) Approvals
* Ex-proof Certificates
* Type Approval for Measuring Equipment (Metrology)
* Medical Approvals and Radio Frequency Exemption Letters
* Ukrainian UkrSEPRO GGTN ...
Production certification for import in the Russian Federation from China and other countries. All types of certificates delkration compliance, permission, fire certificates, state registration production. we work completely remotely with minimum requirements.
GOST P certificate ...
Development of business means expansion to new markets one which for our European colleagues is Russia. In the environment constantly changing legislation, due change in policies state area confirmation conformity, activities Customs Union, we follow up situation on a permanent basis. We ...
Address:Novoostapovskaya, 4, K. 2
The company in collaboration with leading certification centers Moscow, offers qualified assistance carrying out paperwork for the import of products to Russian Federation.Rustandard is official representative Centrotest Group, Moscow.The most obvious benefit companies that work us, ...
Address:2-nd Roshinskaya street, 4
We have more than 9 years of experience in certification and issuance permits for the successful implementation foreign economic activity Russia, Ukraine Europe, accordance with laws those States, while importing goods from other countries, including China. ...
Telephone:7 - 922 - 2095117
Address:Yaltinskaya Street 66, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, 236006 Kaliningrad Russian Federation 236006 Russia
We offer the following services:
Certification of Conformity GOST R
Certificate to Technical Regulations
Fire Safety Certification
and Consulting Quality Management System ISO 9001-2001, 14001, OHSAS 18000
Vehicle Type Approval
Customs Union ...
Address:Profsoyuznaya, 57
SERTIFICATION from NEW Standard- Russian GOST R Certifications (GOST Certificate of Conformity, Compliance to service)- Hygienic (Hygienic report)- Fire Safety Certifications- Type Approval for Measuring Equipment (Metrology)- Medical Approvals and Exemption Letters (Refusal ...
Address:pl. Chernyshevskogo