international business consulting, working with sugar, gold and diamonds, with offices in Brazil, Chicago and Angola. E-mail: *****
Address:francisco falcato jr. 27, Itu, Brazil
Our company operates in the areas of investments and commodities such as sugar, gold, iron ore, timber diamonds. In investment have expertise sugar plants, power generation, bonds, currency , MTN's BG's. ...
Address:AV. CAUAXI, ALPHAVILLE, Other, Brazil
Minerios e jazidas Inc, comeercializaçao de pedras preciosas, compra vendas, ouro bruto em barras, diamantes brutos, minerios jazidas, mineradoras no brasil, intermediaçao, agro negocios industrias, vendas graos para exportaçao ...
Telephone: 55-11-83927904
Address:Rua Rosa Margonari Borali, 40, ap. 14-Santa Terezinha
We have worked in the International Business since 10 years, always presenting a professional performer, trying our best order to saitsfy clients. All products are direct from its origin, with no intermediaries involved, unless few specific cases. ...
Telephone: 55-49-35370105
Address:rua Gal. Osorio 1146-D