FLOSUL Industria e Comercio de Madeiras Ltda., member company of the Renner Herrmann S/A group, was founded in March 1970 Capivari do Sul / RS - Brazil.
We started operating as a forestry company. As years went by, we acquired know-how and began investing on management our own forest resources. ...
Telephone:55-51-3681 0100
Address:Rod Estadual RS 040 Km 84
A Brazilian trading company established since 1998 with available sources to export wood from Brazil, Chile and Uruguay in large volumes and in accordance with the importers needs.
Address:Street, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
We are a forestry company and we produce round eucalyptus logs, charcoal, saw wood ships. Our production capacity is currently 200 metric tons per week, but have forests achieving maturity age for harvesting with to double our current production.
We look long term contracts can ship (FOB) from ...
Address:Rua Timbiras 3. 642 / Conj. 501-503