
Business Type Business Service (Transportation, finance, travel, Ads, etc)
Location Arima, Trinidad and Tobago
Year Established 2005
Main Markets North America 25.00% Eastern Europe 25.00% Eastern Asia 25.00%
Country/Region Trinidad and Tobago

Company Introduction

Behind the name GemGfx. GemGfx is a quality driven, customer service oriented, design and development firm. We exists primarily to fully maximize and utilize the design and development process to provide the customer with practical solutions to their visual communication and development needs at the most competitive cost. We guarantee, and will never compromise on, originality, high quality, and professional designs. These are elements that will ensure the success of each project we are given the opportunity to manage. History of GemGfxGemGfx was founded in 2004 by the CEO Everard Mc Bain Jr. Then called Gemini Graphics, primarily dealing with print media. In 2005, realizing that GemGfx needed to present itself as a viable option to the customer, the portfolio was expanded to incorporate Design as a whole and also Web Development. The name was then changed to its current GemGfx to reflect the total package that the company offers to its customers. GemGfx lives by and holds fast to it's tag line"Limitless Imagination, Practical Solution". Customers do not need to sacrifice quality for function and vice versa. We find solutions to fluid mergers of the two. We find a complimentary merging point of the Design and Development Process. We believe in Quality of Design and Professional Customer Service. For a well executed design as well as a satisfied customer is the best advertisement one can have. PhilosophyGemGfx's philosophyand approach to design is captured in it's tag line"Limitless Imagination, Practical Solution". In times past it was believed that the fields of design and developmentwere two diametrically apposed entities. Design meant no limits existed apart from your own imagination. Developmentmeant practicality in terms of use and function. Both elements existed but were destined to exist apartfrom each other. GemGfx operates under the assumptionthat both elements can work in harmony, complimenting each other. One can have a high quality design with a practical application of that design. This is the core of GemGfx's brand strategy. We designbrands that show high quality and professionalism in the design aspect, while at the same time, ensuring that it provides a practical solution to a need.

Contact Information

Contact Person Mr. Everard McBain
Department Director/CEO/General Manager
Job Title Cheif Executive Officer
Telephone 1-868-665-1771
Fax Number 1-868
Address Apt B5, Mida Villas, #36 Amow Street
Fax 1-868
Zip/Post Code 00000