Company Introduction
The Fengxi Chamber of Commerce consists of the special group of Fengxi private enterprises which it then links with the wider organization of the Chaoxhou Chamber of Commerxe.It is our duty to combine all the private entetprises to improve their economic situation and push the economy ahead with our help the private enterprises are able to share rheir experiences wirh one another to make sure they don become insular it is also our duty to coorsinste the necessary elationships between business and other departmentsmand to improve their initiatives and enthusiasm
We are the actual home of the members and stand for their mutual benefits and wishes we take an active part in the development of the Fengxi economy as we strive for and protect their legal rights reflect their opinions,requirements and provide them with marketing nformation,,technical and legal consultancy together with other services we play an important middle role in the course of markeket-ing ecomomic development and the organization of all kinds of commercial activities these incluse ar-ranging for members to visit and view the advanced modles of production and managementin other enter-prises at home and abrosd it also extends to helping them exploit international markets and build solid relationships with trade partners here and overseas .
We believe in this philosophy:make friends all over the world and build a prosperous world together members we must combine to work hard anssd fight for our career and vuild our endeavour on a strong scientific base with our courtesy ang sincerity we hope we can invite all the businesspeople in the world to Fengxi to cooperate together for a prosperous future.
Contact Information
Contact Person William Lin
Job Title President
Telephone 86 - 768 - 2205170
Fax Number 86 - 768 - 2202590
Address Middle section of An Ji Road o Chaozhou, Guangdong 521000 China
Fax 86 - 768 - 2202590
Website Visit website