Candies La Pajara

Business Type Manufacturer
Year Established 1900
Country/Region Spain

Company Introduction

Empresa fundada en el a챰o 1850. Hasta nuestros dias nuestro unico objetivo es el hacer la mejor calidad en todos nuestros productos.Tenemos la posibilidad de fabricar caramelos con figuras en 3D y 2D personalizando su marca, de igual forma tambien le podemos fabricar todos nuestros productos en su idioma y con su propia marca con lo que le damos un valor a챰adido a su entidad.
Dpt Export:
Tlf: +34 666795382
Emiliano Egea
T*is company has continued unint*rrupt** since 1850. E*en in t*m** *f *r*sis l*k* the Ci*il War, where *e ma*ag** to produce *nly small amounts of candy due t* re*tr*ctions. At that time, were diff*cult to sour*e components used in m*n*fa*tur*ng, such as a*is* (one *f **e most traditi*n*l flavors of sweets H*ll챠n) which at that ti*e w*s *ery dif*icu*t to achie** an* w*s recorded *i*h high taxes becau*e it *** **- cohol.T*rough ration cards in t*e postwar could provide of materials
a* *ugar, essen**s, *remol T*tar, etc. a*d c*nti*u** the pr*d*ction

Contact Information

Contact Person Emiliano Egea
Telephone 34 - 666 - 795382
Fax Number 34 - 967 - 301429
Address Poligono Industrial San Felipe Hellin Albacete Spain
Fax 34 - 967 - 301429