We, PT. Trans Mining Indonesia as authorized mandatory mining owner, willing and able to sell Iron Sand: Fe 55%up from Cilacap-Central JavaFe 58%up from North SulawesiContact to:Mulyono Santoso:+62-821-2597-889Marzella Lubis :+62-821-1326-1866
Address:Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya Lama Kav.819
PT. Trans Mining Indonesia was established in 2004 and its subsidiaries currently deal Coal, Iron, Manganese, Nickel, Copper, Lead, Chrome, Zircon mining trading. Each operating subsidiary is positioned as an independent integrated profit centre so that has competitive reliable ...
Address:Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya Lama Kav. 819
erusahaan kami menjual jasa untuk pengiriman barang di dalam negeri dan luar negeri. juga melayani sewa truck trailer, pengurusan dokumen export import. kepercayaan harga kompetitif yang utamakan agar pelanggan puas.==================================================Our company ...
Telephone:62 - 21 - 959*****
Address:o.84 Jl.Teratai V Tirtajaya-Sukmajaya Rt.07/02 depok, Jawa Barat