slo agropecuaria

Our company, slo agropecuaria, developed and produces probiotics and silage inoculants. We use acid lact bacterias as Lactocacillus acidophilus, enterocoocus faecium, bifidum bacteria biffidus, and enzimes to provide a great quality.
Telephone:55-43-31545510 Address:R Joao Wyclif 185, Gleba Palhano, Copl.1801

Fanton EXIM Business

Natural mineral water, beer-alcoholic-non alcoholic, feed fodder, fruit juice, frozen chicken, frozen frog, home furniture, home office, office furniture, teak logs, lumber.
Telephone:55 - 19 - 32945149 Address:125 Monte Alto Campinas Sao Paulo 13092630 Brazil


ICC is a Brazilian company which was established in order to professionalize yeast distribution, aiming develop scientific knowledge on inactive yeasts and their derivatives, provide technical consultancy the animal nutrition segment coordinate distribution logistics. ICC ...
Telephone:55-11-30930747 Address:Av. Brig. Faria Lima


IMPERIUM-Feeding the WorldThe company was founded in 2005 what is quickly becoming largest producing country of food and feed world: Brazil. It an active participant entire chain agricultural production. Imperium a leading producer animal by-products, such as fishmeal, Meat Bone Meal, ...
Telephone: 55-11-81226202 Address:Leopoldo Couto Magalhaes 610

Fanton EXIM Busine

Natural mineral water, beer-alcoholic-non alcoholic, feed fodder, fruit juice, frozen chicken, frozen frog, home furniture, home office, office furniture, teak logs, lumber.
Telephone:55 - 19 - 32945149 Address:125 Monte Alto Campinas, Sao Paulo
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