MPF Holding

Company Introduction

Dear Sir or Lady, Allow us to present You our group of companies, The MPF Company group is one of the biggest industrial groups of East-Europe, and through themit has an interest in abrazive production as well as in furniture production. As the key-associate of the group, our company, the MPF Holding Hungary LLc., provides the logistic and commercial assignements for all company-members. Without the pretension of entirety, let us make You known the other members of the MPF industrial Group: - MP Widenta Ltd.--production of abrazive - MP Borovi Ltd.--production of pine-furniture - MP Metal Ltd--production of wrought-iron -MP Clarflex--producton of abrasive paper and cloth - MPF Chemicals -building material production - MP Consulting Ltd.--venture of capital investment - MP Clarflex--producton of abrasive paper and cloth - MPF Holding GmbH.--West-European commercial representative - MP Rhino Ltd.--distribution of carpentry and household tools MPF Holding LLCCsaba BalintComercial director

Contact Information

Telephone 773-341-7300
Fax Number 773-341-7300
Fax 773-341-7300